Retreat Materials

Hearts on Fire: Praying with Jesuits
Author: Michael G. Harter, S.J.
A collection of 117 prayers related to the Spiritual Exercises from the time the Society of Jesus was founded through the 21st century.

Joan L. Roccasalvo, C.S.J.
Author: Michael G. Harter, S.J.
A guide to the Daily Examen of St. Ignatius, adapted for contemporary life and accompanied by quotations from the Scriptures and from spiritual writers.

Choosing Christ in the World: A Handbook for Directing the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius Loyola According to Annotations Eighteen and Nineteen
Author: Joseph A. Tetlow, S.J.
A manual for those directing the Spiritual Exercises through a “retreat in daily life.”

Finding Christ in the World: A Twelve Week Ignatian Retreat in Everyday Life
Author: Joseph A. Tetlow, S.J., and Carol Atwell Ackels
Instructions for a 12–week prayer experience framed by the Spiritual Exercises.

Companions in Grace: A Handbook for Directors of the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Author: Marian Cowan, C.S.J.; John C. Futrell, S.J.
A practical guide for directors of the Spiritual Exercises that includes instructions for planning an eight–day or 30–day Ignatian retreat.
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