Handing on the Fire - Book Launch

The Institute of Jesuit Sources and Fr. Joseph Tetlow, S.J. present the official book launch of Handing on the Fire: Making Spiritual Direction Ignatian.
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Handing on the Fire: Making Spiritual Direction Ignatian
Fr. Joe Tetlow's new book, Handing on the Fire: Making Spiritual Direction Ignatian contributes to a deeper spiritual formation for the practice of spiritual direction—both for those who are already offering Ignatian spiritual direction, and for those aspiring to give it. In this book, Tetlow lays out the theology in action that must inform Ignatian spiritual direction: the principles, norms, and practices that characterize the robust experience of Ignatian spirituality in everyday life.
Handing on the Fire is available now.
See Fr. Tetlow's other bestsellers:
Finding Christ in the World invites the reader to “let God show you where and how He concretely breaks into your life.” A 12–week prayer experience framed by the Spiritual Exercises, the book is of particular help to faith communities such as Bible study and prayer groups. But individuals can also use it as a means of prayer.
Choosing Christ in the World includes notes based on Fr. Tetlow’s own directorial experience. This new edition of the book also recognizes Ignatius’s observation that in cases in which the material of the Exercises themselves might be beyond the grasp of some individuals, a leader might assign “light works” for prayer and spiritual growth.