Product Overview
In contrast to the Spiritual Exercises, the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus is sometimes seen as a collection of laws having little to do with the spiritual life. But in Together for Mission, a guide to the Constitutions, Fr. André de Jaer makes it clear that the Constitutions are indeed “spiritually insightful” (or “sapientelle”), as he describes a way of proceeding toward God that is unique to the Society of Jesus and its followers. St. Ignatius intended the Constitutions “to be read and applied as a work of spiritual discernment,” writes de Jaer. “What they do above all is provide sound criteria for reflection and judgment leading to action.” Former Superior General Peter–Hans Kolvenbach recommended this approach for the “school of the heart,” or the final step in the formation of a Jesuit.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 195-197).